As I look back on my journey I can not believe how fast it went. Even at rehearsal for pinning, I couldn’t believe that all these chairs and stage were for us. I remember how I felt the first day of nursing school as I felt overwhelmed with the workload and trying to find my way in the nursing world.
Before I started critical care I believe that it was just another rotation that I have to complete to graduation because my true passion was public health. During clinical, I was surprised that critical care held my interest and I looked forward to clinical. I remember feeling so nervous for my medical surgical clinical that I would be worried the whole day before. I felt my comfortable with my skills and taking the more of a leadership role. I believe that critical care gave me the confidence that I needed to start my care in a hospital setting. With every patient I had this semester I felt that I made a difference in the patient’s care by actively asking questions and wanting to understand the care of a critical ill patient.
I am currently excited, but terrified of the future. CSUCI nursing was my home for three years. I felt that I was supported by staff and created long lasting relationships that will continue to impact the kind of nurse I will be.